
Welcome to CreativeCareer.ca, your go-to site for posting and finding jobs within Canada’s creative industries!

We started CreativeCareer.ca in the summer of 2016 to connect creatives and recruiters across Canada. Focusing purely on the marketing and communication sectors, we’ve continued to handpick only the best job offerings to share on our website.

To all the recruiters out there, we know how hard it can be to find the perfect fit, especially when it comes to creative jobs. You will love our services not only because they’re low-cost, but also because we provide you with a targeted audience of the best Canadian creative talent. Post your first job listing on CreativeCareer.ca now!

And if you’re a creative searching for your next dream job, then you’ve come to the right place as you’re just one click away from your next career. We value your time by displaying only the best job postings and also provide a wealth of job-hunting knowledge. Want to know more about how to rock your job search? Then head over to our blog! Or you can always just begin by looking at our listings. Our team wishes you a faster-than-light job search and loads of success in your new position!